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34 different matching expressions found:

alakít to act (Correction)
to constitute (Correction)
to develop (Correction)
to fashion (Correction)
to form (Correction)
to model (Correction)
to modulate (Correction)
to portray (Correction)
to represent (Correction)
to shape (Correction)
to tool (Correction)
to turn (Correction)
alakító formative (Correction)
impersonator (Correction)
shaping (Correction)
alakítás configuration (Correction)
framing (Correction)
impersonation (Correction)
personation (Correction)
portrayal (Correction)
representation (Correction)
shaping (Correction)
alakítható plastic (Correction)
újjá alakítás remodeling (Correction)
golyóvá alakít to ball (Correction)
ezredet alakít to regiment (Correction)
kúposan alakít to taper (Correction)
egyénivé alakít to personalize (Correction)
személyivé alakít to personalize (Correction)
alakít vmit vmihez to frame sg into sg (Correction)
szárazfölddé alakít to continentalize (Correction)
derékszögűre alakít to square (Correction)
négyszögletesre alakít to square (Correction)
vmilyen szerepet alakít to impersonate (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

alakító moulder (Correction)
alakítható ductile (Correction)
malleable (Correction)
alakíthatóság malleability (Correction)
létrehoz, alakít, bevezet establish (Correction)
az elveszett láncok fileokká alakítása convert lost chains to file (Correction)
rövid karakterszerep színdarabban vagy filmben, melyet ismert színész alakít cameo (Correction)

Correction mode off