[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

90 different matching expressions found:

nem breed (Correction)
genus, genera (Correction)
nay (Correction)
no (Correction)
nope (Correction)
not (Correction)
sex (Correction)
tribe (Correction)
nemi carnal (Correction)
copulatory (Correction)
generic (Correction)
sexual (Correction)
venereal (Correction)
nem- generic (Correction)
nemz interface (Correction)
to beget, begat, begotten (Correction)
to beget, begot, begotten (Correction)
to breed, bred (Correction)
to engender (Correction)
to father (Correction)
to gender (Correction)
to iron out (Correction)
to procreate (Correction)
to reproduce (Correction)
to sire (Correction)
hanem but (Correction)
nemes esquire (Correction)
gentle (Correction)
grand (Correction)
noble (Correction)
nobleman, noblemen (Correction)
patrician (Correction)
nemez felt (Correction)
nem generative (Correction)
procreative (Correction)
reproductive (Correction)
sire (Correction)
nemzés breeding (Correction)
procreation (Correction)
progeniture (Correction)
prolification (Correction)
zenemű composition (Correction)
ha nem except (Correction)
unless (Correction)
nemű feminine (Correction)
nemrég just now (Correction)
lately (Correction)
newly (Correction)
nemzet nation (Correction)
nemlét non-existence (Correction)
nonentity (Correction)
nothingness (Correction)
nem not good (Correction)
wrong (Correction)
nemesi patrician (Correction)
majdnem all but (Correction)
almost (Correction)
just (Correction)
much (Correction)
narrowly (Correction)
nearly (Correction)
pretty near (Correction)
anemóna anemone (Correction)
ágynemű bed linen (Correction)
bedclothes (Correction)
bedding (Correction)
linen (Correction)
pénznem currency (Correction)
kétnemű epicene (Correction)
hermaphrodite (Correction)
egynemű homogeneous (Correction)
halnemű ichthyoid (Correction)
nem jól ill (Correction)
csaknem just (Correction)
nearly (Correction)
hangnem key (Correction)
keynote (Correction)
mode (Correction)
note (Correction)
fenemód like hell (Correction)
nemzeti national (Correction)
nemes nobleman, noblemen (Correction)
peer (Correction)
nemesen nobly (Correction)
nem túl none too (Correction)
már nem not now (Correction)
még nem not so far (Correction)
nemzési reproductive (Correction)
nemiség sex (Correction)
sexuality (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

nem gender (Correction)
genera (Correction)
non (Correction)
neme gender (Correction)
nemi genital (Correction)
veneral (Correction)
alnem subgenus (Correction)
nemű female (Correction)
nemrég recently (Correction)
ők nem they aren't (Correction)

Correction mode off