[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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26 different matching expressions found:

tágít to broaden (Correction)
to dilate (Correction)
to ease (Correction)
to slack (Correction)
to slacken (Correction)
to unstring, unstrung (Correction)
tágítás expansion (Correction)
kitágít to dilate (Correction)
to enlarge (Correction)
to flare out (Correction)
to scrape out (Correction)
to stretch (Correction)
to widen (Correction)
értágító vasodilator (Correction)
kitágítás dilatation (Correction)
dilation (Correction)
nem tágít to hold one's ground (Correction)
to keep one's ground (Correction)
to persist (Correction)
to persist in (Correction)
to sit tight (Correction)
to stand one's ground (Correction)
lyuktágító bur (Correction)
burr (Correction)
sorközt tágít to lead (Correction)
kúposan tágított csővég flare (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

fejtágítás day release course (Correction)
kesztyűtágító glove-stretcher (Correction)
tudatot kitágító psychedelic (Correction)
kiterjeszt, kibővít; tágít expand (Correction)
"leszögezi álláspontját, és nem tágít" nail one's colors to the mast (Correction)
nail one's colours to the must (Correction)

Correction mode off