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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

4 different matching expressions found:

six hat (Correction)
wall six feet high hat láb magas fal (Correction)
less than six months hat hónapnál rövidebb ideig (Correction)
at the rate of six per cent hat százalékos kamatra (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

at six hatkor (Correction)
six-foot hat lábnyi <183 cm> (Correction)
six-footer colos fickó (Correction)
twenty-six huszonhat (Correction)
six-shooter hatlövetű (Correction)
coach and six hatosfogat (Correction)
half past six fél hét (Correction)
half after six fél hét (Correction)
six feet and better hat lábnál is magasabb (Correction)
colt with six chambers hatlövetű kolt (Correction)
o'clock / it's six - . hat óra van. (Correction)
six of one and half a dozen of the other az egyik tizenkilenc a másik egy híján húsz (Correction)

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