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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

13 different matching expressions found:

őr custodian (Correction)
guard (Correction)
guardian (Correction)
keeper (Correction)
minder (Correction)
sentinel (Correction)
sentry (Correction)
ward (Correction)
watcher (Correction)
éjjeli őr sergeant of the watch (Correction)
múzeumi őr conservator (Correction)
láncfonal-őr warp protector (Correction)
biztonsági őr security guard (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

őr security guard (Correction)
whether or (Correction)
őriz, védelmez; őr guard (Correction)
with or without you (Correction)
without fear or favour (Correction)
without rhyme or reason (Correction)
without let or hindrance (Correction)
word /make head or tail of -s (Correction)

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