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86 different matching expressions found:

éger alder (Correction)
egér mouse, mice (Correction)
néger african (Correction)
black (Correction)
blacky (Correction)
buffalo (Correction)
coon (Correction)
darkey (Correction)
darkie (Correction)
negro (Correction)
nig (Correction)
nig-nog (Correction)
nigger (Correction)
cégér sign (Correction)
égerfa alder (Correction)
megért to apprehend (Correction)
to catch up (Correction)
to catch, caught (Correction)
to comprehend (Correction)
to conceive of (Correction)
to dig, dug (Correction)
to get, got (Correction)
to grasp (Correction)
to make out (Correction)
to perceive (Correction)
to realize (Correction)
to see, saw, seen (Correction)
to seize (Correction)
to take, took, taken (Correction)
to tumble to (Correction)
to understand, understood (Correction)
megértő appreciative (Correction)
broad-minded (Correction)
broadminded (Correction)
liberal (Correction)
sympathetic (Correction)
megéri? is it worth it? (Correction)
is it worth while? (Correction)
megérez to anticipate (Correction)
to feel, felt (Correction)
to presage (Correction)
megérik to come in (Correction)
to mature (Correction)
to mellow (Correction)
to season (Correction)
to seed (Correction)
megérzés anticipation (Correction)
megértés appreciation (Correction)
comprehension (Correction)
understanding (Correction)
egérárpa barley grass (Correction)
négerdob gumby (Correction)
egérfogó mousetrap (Correction)
megérint to dab (Correction)
to tap (Correction)
to touch (Correction)
megerjed to ferment (Correction)
begerjed to go off the deep end (Correction)
to turn on (Correction)
megérlel to mature (Correction)
to mellow (Correction)
to ripen (Correction)
négerzóna black belt (Correction)
megértően liberally (Correction)
sympathetically (Correction)
egérszerű mousy (Correction)
begerjedt randy (Correction)
megerősít to affirm (Correction)
to bear out (Correction)
to belay (Correction)
to brace (Correction)
to cement (Correction)
to confirm (Correction)
to consolidate (Correction)
to cramp down (Correction)
to fasten (Correction)
to firm (Correction)
to fix (Correction)
to fortify (Correction)
to lash (Correction)
to ratify (Correction)
to recruit (Correction)
to reinforce (Correction)
megereszt to ease off (Correction)
to let fly (Correction)
egerészik to mouse (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

egér mouse (Correction)
néger ace of spades (Correction)
ghost-writer (Correction)
jim crow (Correction)
niga (Correction)
megért comprehend (Correction)
egerek mice (Correction)
egérke mousie (Correction)
egeres mousy (Correction)
kisegér mouseling (Correction)
egerész mouser (Correction)
begerjed go off the deep end (Correction)
egérlyuk mouse-hole (Correction)
néger Negress (Correction)

Correction mode off