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62 different matching expressions found:

én is so am i (Correction)
én is! same here! (Correction)
ismételten again and again (Correction)
time and again (Correction)
ismeretlen faceless (Correction)
nameless (Correction)
obscure (Correction)
occult (Correction)
strange (Correction)
unfamiliar (Correction)
unidentified (Correction)
unknown (Correction)
unnamed (Correction)
istentelen freaking (Correction)
ungodly (Correction)
unholy (Correction)
különben is anyhow (Correction)
anyway (Correction)
uram isten! dear me! (Correction)
dear! (Correction)
good lord! (Correction)
isten vele! fare thee well! (Correction)
hála isten! thank goodness! (Correction)
különösen is after all (Correction)
isten veled! cheerio! (Correction)
fare thee well! (Correction)
goodby! (Correction)
goodbye! (Correction)
vale! (Correction)
te jó isten! good god! (Correction)
good gracious! (Correction)
goodness gracious! (Correction)
gracious me! (Correction)
man alive! (Correction)
my goodness! (Correction)
my gracious! (Correction)
szent isten! great scot! (Correction)
bánom is én! hang it! (Correction)
tut! (Correction)
isten békéje truce of god (Correction)
isten hozta! welcome! (Correction)
isten nevében for god's sake (Correction)
isten csapása visitation of god (Correction)
isten hozott! welcome! (Correction)
isten veletek! cheerio! (Correction)
goodby! (Correction)
goodbye! (Correction)
istenfélően él to walk with god (Correction)
tízen is látták as many as ten people saw it (Correction)
nagyon is eleven alive and kicking (Correction)
a jó isten tudja goodness only knows (Correction)
én is azt tettem i did the same (Correction)
ismeretlen ember stranger (Correction)
isten országlása zion (Correction)
isten kegyelméből by the grace of god (Correction)
isten vezéreljen! god speed you! (Correction)
isten háta mögött off the map (Correction)
istentelen beszéd profane words (Correction)
ismeretlen katona unknown warrior (Correction)
isten háta mögötti devious (Correction)
godforsaken (Correction)
jerkwater (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

38 different matching expressions found:

Isten God (Correction)
én is i do too (Correction)
so do i (Correction)
the same here (Correction)
én is. so / so do i. (Correction)
so do i. (Correction)
az isten the supreme being (Correction)
ismételten anew (Correction)
oftentimes (Correction)
ofttimes (Correction)
repeatedly (Correction)
istentelen godless (Correction)
unhallowed (Correction)
isten vele good-bye (Correction)
hála isten thank god (Correction)
thank heaven (Correction)
ismeretlen unbeknown (Correction)
unfamilar (Correction)
isten őrizz god forbid! (Correction)
isten veled good-by (Correction)
good-bye (Correction)
ismetlödöen repetitiveness (Correction)
bánom is én! i don't care! (Correction)
néven ismert known as (Correction)
isten éltesse many happy returns (Correction)
szintén, én is diddo (Correction)
én továbbra is shall continue to (Correction)
én is (tudok). so / so can i. (Correction)
so can i. (Correction)
hála isten(nek) thank goodness (Correction)
thanks be to god (Correction)
mindenható isten god almighty (Correction)
én is. nekem is. me too. (Correction)
too / me too. (Correction)
ige, isten igéje the Word (Correction)
when all is said (Correction)
bárhogy legyen is be that as it may (Correction)
Egy Istenben hívő monotheistic (Correction)

Correction mode off