[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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76 different matching expressions found:

ellenszer antidote (Correction)
remedy (Correction)
ellenszél dead wind (Correction)
ellenszenv antipathy (Correction)
disinclination (Correction)
distaste (Correction)
grudge (Correction)
repugnance (Correction)
rénszarvas caribou (Correction)
reindeer (Correction)
idegenszerű alien (Correction)
outlandish (Correction)
strange (Correction)
ellenszegül to antagonize (Correction)
to buck against (Correction)
to challenge (Correction)
to contravene (Correction)
to defy (Correction)
elevenszülő viviparous (Correction)
ellenszenves antipathetic (Correction)
disagreeable (Correction)
distasteful (Correction)
effing (Correction)
obnoxious (Correction)
repugnant (Correction)
sickening (Correction)
sodding (Correction)
unlovely (Correction)
ellenszegülő rebellious (Correction)
recalcitrant (Correction)
unyielding (Correction)
röntgenszoba sparks (Correction)
ellenszavazat blackball (Correction)
ellenszegülés defiance (Correction)
hirtelenszőke tow-headed (Correction)
pergamenszerű wizen (Correction)
wizened (Correction)
idegenszerűség strangeness (Correction)
ellenszenvesség distastefulness (Correction)
véletlenszerűség suddenness (Correction)
ellenszolgáltatás consideration (Correction)
quid pro quo (Correction)
remuneration (Correction)
return (Correction)
reward (Correction)
ellenszenvet kelt to disgust (Correction)
ellenszenves ember asshole (Correction)
bum (Correction)
creep (Correction)
dipshit (Correction)
fink (Correction)
motherfucker (Correction)
nerd (Correction)
nurd (Correction)
ponce (Correction)
schmo (Correction)
shmo (Correction)
slag (Correction)
sod (Correction)
twit (Correction)
yuck (Correction)
yuk (Correction)
ellenszenves férfi fag (Correction)
faggot (Correction)
nerd (Correction)
nurd (Correction)
ellenszegül vminek to set one's face against sg (Correction)
hirtelenszőke hajú tow-headed (Correction)
mindenszentek napja all hallows (Correction)
all saint's day (Correction)
szemenszedett hazugság unmitigated lie (Correction)
ellenszolgáltatásképpen in return for sg (Correction)
ellenszolgáltatás nélkül free of charge (Correction)
gratis (Correction)
ellenszolgáltatás nélküli gratis (Correction)
ellenszenvesen igyekvő diák geek (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

24 different matching expressions found:

ENSZ United Nations (Correction)
ellenszél headwind (Correction)
upwind (Correction)
ellenszenv dislike (Correction)
ellenszegül antagonize (Correction)
challenging (Correction)
contravene (Correction)
defy (Correction)
élevenszülő livebearer (Correction)
ellenszenves unprepossessing (Correction)
mindenszentek Hallowmas (Correction)
licenszet adó licensor (Correction)
véletlenszerű random (Correction)
stochastic (Correction)
licenszet kapó licensee (Correction)
véletlenszerűen randomly (Correction)
unintentionally (Correction)
mindenszentek napja all hallows' day (Correction)
all saints' day (Correction)
méterrenszerre térés metrication (Correction)
nonszensz, értelmetlen nonsense (Correction)
véletlenszám generátor random number generator (Correction)
ellenszegül vki akaratának go against (Correction)
véletlenül, véletlenszerüen by chance (Correction)

Correction mode off