[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

76 different matching expressions found:

hús flesh (Correction)
meat (Correction)
húsz score (Correction)
twenty (Correction)
hűség adherence (Correction)
faith (Correction)
fealty (Correction)
fidelity (Correction)
loyalty (Correction)
hús gravy (Correction)
húsos meaty (Correction)
hűsít to cool (Correction)
őzhús venison (Correction)
húsáru butcher's meat (Correction)
húsevő carnivore (Correction)
carnivorous (Correction)
huszár cavalryman (Correction)
húsvét feast of unleavened bread (Correction)
vadhús game (Correction)
proud flesh (Correction)
foghús gum (Correction)
ürühús mutton (Correction)
husáng spear (Correction)
húslégy blow-fly (Correction)
hűséges blue (Correction)
faithful (Correction)
stanch (Correction)
staunch (Correction)
huszita bohemian (Correction)
húsbolt butcher's (Correction)
húsbárd chopper (Correction)
meat cleaver (Correction)
álhűség lip-service (Correction)
lágyhús topside (Correction)
őz húsa venison (Correction)
nyúlhús white meat (Correction)
marhahús beef (Correction)
red meat (Correction)
húsleves bouillon (Correction)
clear soup (Correction)
consomme' (Correction)
löncshús luncheon meat (Correction)
spam (Correction)
húshorog meat-hook (Correction)
birkahús mutton (Correction)
leveshús soup meat (Correction)
huszadik twentieth (Correction)
borjúhús veal (Correction)
white meat (Correction)
fehérhús white meat (Correction)
fehér hús breast (Correction)
mellehúsa breast (Correction)
hússzelet chop (Correction)
steak (Correction)
hűségesen faithfully (Correction)
truly (Correction)
hanghűség fidelity (Correction)
kóser hús kosher (Correction)
bárányhús lamb (Correction)
húsdaráló meat grinder (Correction)
mincer (Correction)
húsgombóc meatball (Correction)
párthűség partisanship (Correction)
disznóhús pork (Correction)
élethűség reality (Correction)
véres hús red meat (Correction)
húspogácsa cake (Correction)
steak (Correction)
húskonzerv canned meat (Correction)
húsos pofa chuff (Correction)
pácolt hús marinade (Correction)
húsos pite pâte' (Correction)
eleven hús quick (Correction)
húsz darab score (Correction)
párolt hús stew (Correction)
szarvashús venison (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

24 different matching expressions found:

hűs cool (Correction)
hús hús (Correction)
hűség allegiance (Correction)
húsos fleshy (Correction)
Húsvét Easter (Correction)
tőkehús carcase meat (Correction)
húsvéti paschal (Correction)
húsleves broth (Correction)
hústalan meatless (Correction)
sült hús roast meat (Correction)
huszonöt twenty-five (Correction)
csirkehús chicken (Correction)
hússzelet collop (Correction)
húsvétkor easter / at - (Correction)
húsdaráló masticator (Correction)
mincing machine (Correction)
rizseshús pilaf (Correction)
pilaff (Correction)
pilau (Correction)
huszonegy twenty-one (Correction)
huszonhét twenty-seven (Correction)
huszonhat twenty-six (Correction)
hús és vér flesh and blood (Correction)
húsosfazék flesh-pot (Correction)

Correction mode off