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59 different matching expressions found:

olyan so (Correction)
such (Correction)
komolyan bona fide (Correction)
earnestly (Correction)
gravely (Correction)
severely (Correction)
solemnly (Correction)
thoughtfully (Correction)
mint olyan as such (Correction)
olyan mint just like (Correction)
such as (Correction)
ugyanolyan like (Correction)
ibolyántúli ultraviolet (Correction)
olyan nincs! nothing of the kind! (Correction)
quite out of the question! (Correction)
komolyan néz to pull a long face (Correction)
to wear a long face (Correction)
halálkomolyan dead soberly (Correction)
olyan amilyen mediocre (Correction)
such as it is (Correction)
van olyan aki there are people who (Correction)
olyan mint vmi to look like sg (Correction)
olyan nagy mint as big as that (Correction)
nem olyan, mint not so... as (Correction)
olyannyira hogy so much so that (Correction)
egy olyan ember such a man (Correction)
légy olyan jó és be so good as to (Correction)
be so kind as to (Correction)
komolyan mondom! i mean it! (Correction)
szakasztott olyan exactly the same (Correction)
se ilyen se olyan it's like curate's egg (Correction)
neither this nor that (Correction)
ne olyan messzire not so far (Correction)
olyan ember mint ő a man like him (Correction)
lenne olyan szíves do you mind (Correction)
olyan mint a pióca he sticks like a limpet (Correction)
komolyan gondolom! i mean it! (Correction)
nem is olyan rossz it isn't half so bad (Correction)
not bad (Correction)
not so bad (Correction)
not so bad considering (Correction)
nem is olyan régen some time ago (Correction)
ugyanolyan könnyen with equal ease (Correction)
az ember mint olyan man as such (Correction)
olyan boldog vagyok! i am so happy! (Correction)
olyan mint egy pióca to stick like a leech (Correction)
olyanokat kérdez hogy he asks me such questions as (Correction)
olyan mint a kullancs he sticks like a limpet (Correction)
komolyan munkához lát to get down to one's work (Correction)
to get down to work (Correction)
olyan mértékben, hogy to such a pitch that (Correction)
legyen olyan szíves és be so good as to (Correction)
be so kind as to (Correction)
olyant dobbant a szíve his heart gave such a jump (Correction)
ha olyan hangulata van if you feel so disposed (Correction)
csak ne olyan hevesen! pipe down! (Correction)
mi tartott olyan sokáig? what took you so long? (Correction)
olyan a szeme mint a sasnak have eyes like a hawk (Correction)
csak ne volnál olyan vaksi! if you had half an eye! (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

41 different matching expressions found:

komolyan in earnest (Correction)
seriously (Correction)
úgy; olyan like that (Correction)
that / like - (Correction)
olyan mint look like (Correction)
oly, olyan such (Correction)
olyan közel so near (Correction)
ibolyántúli ultra-violet (Correction)
olyan (nagy) so (big) (Correction)
olyanok akik such people as (Correction)
igen komolyan very much in earnest (Correction)
olyan ... mint as ... as (Correction)
olyan mint vmi like / be - sth (Correction)
komolyan nekifog buckle down to (Correction)
ne olyan gyorsan don't speed (Correction)
komolyan gondolod do you really mean it (Correction)
komolyan gondolja he means business (Correction)
komolyan gondolom i mean it (Correction)
(egy) olyan ember such a clever man (Correction)
halálosan komolyan in dead earnest (Correction)
nem is olyan rossz it's not so dusty (Correction)
nem is olyan drága not all that dear (Correction)
nem olyan ... mint not so ... as (Correction)
"olyannyira, hogy" so much so that (Correction)
olyan mint a pióca stick like a leech (Correction)
stick like a limpet (Correction)
legyen olyan szíves be so kind as to (Correction)
ugyanaz, ugyanolyan same (Correction)
nem (is) olyan nehéz it's not so difficult as all that (Correction)
ugyanolyan, egyforma same / the - (Correction)
nem komolyan gondolta he didn't mean it (Correction)
ha lenne olyan kedves if you will kindly (Correction)
if you would kindly (Correction)
olyan, mintha új lenne it's as good as new (Correction)
olyan (egy) okos ember such a clever man (Correction)
arra; úgy, olyan módon that way (Correction)
"olyan mértékig, hogy" to such a pitch that (Correction)
olyan, mintha új lenne. new / it's as good as - . (Correction)
komolyan vesz vkit/vmit take sb/sth seriously (Correction)
ez csak amolyan porhintés that's all eye-wash (Correction)
olyan mint a mosogatórongy feel like a rag (Correction)

Correction mode off