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15 different matching expressions found:

elnéz vmit to condone
to overlook
to pass over sg in silence
átnéz vmit to skim through sg
megnéz vmit have a look at sg
ellenez vmit to be hostile to sg
to pour cold water on sg
to stand against
to throw cold water on sg
nem néz el vmit to draw the line at sg
kinéz magának vmit to home in on sg
hevesen ellenez vmit to be dead set against sg
makacsul ellenez vmit to be dead set against sg
ferde szemmel néz vmit to look askance at sg
határozottan ellenez vmit to sit down hard on sg

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

néz (vmit) look (at sth)
ellenez vmit object to
to be opposed to
néz vmit/vkit look at sb/sth
megnéz vmit; átnéz vmit have a look at sth 1.
look / have a - at sth 1.
végigmegy vmin; átnéz vmit go through sth 2.

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