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Adott a következő feladat: van egy SZTAKI Szótárod (szotar.sztaki.hu), amit ha elosztasz "m"-mel, akkor az nem kevesebb lesz, hanem több. Hogy lehet ez? Hát úgy, hogy ez egy nagyon hülye feladvány, amit csak azért erőszakoltunk ide, hogy elmondhassuk, Tominak és az iPhone-os szótárának új kihívója akadt: Peti, és a mindenes mobilszótár. És bár ez úgy hangzik, mint "Jamie és a csodalámpa", ennek mégis van értelme, el is mondjuk miért.

Tomi készítette el pár hónapja a SZTAKiPhone szótárat, ami a SZTAKI Szótár iPhone-ra optimalizált webes változata, amit maga Steve Jobs is imád. Tominak azért engedtük mindezt, mert a Tomi erős, és megfenyegetett minket, mi pedig féltünk, ráadásul az iPhone az nagyon LOL meg XD, ugyebár. Igen ám, de jött másik kollégánk Peti, aki viszont bátor, továbbá feketeöves CSS-ben, és doubleclick-kel töri a betontömböket szabadidejében. És Peti látá, hogy akinek nincs iPhone-ja, annál a mobilon csúnyácskán jelenik meg a Szótár. Ezért gondolt egyet, aztán még egyet, amiből végül úgy 172 gondolat is lett, és aminek eredményeképpen megszületett a


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SZTAKI Dictionary

SZTAKI Dictionary (SZTAKI Szótár) - created and operated by the Department of Distributed Systems of MTA SZTAKI - is the most popular Hungarian language related dictionary service on the internet. The SZTAKI Dictionary was launched in 1995 as the first interactive web service in Hungary with an English-Hungarian dictionary used by 3500 visitors a week. In 2007 the SZTAKI Dictionary hosts 6 dictionaries, which are visited +150.000 times every day (producing +1.000.000 page impressions [PI] - Webaudit ). This is more than the average traffic of on-line news papers and thematic portals. The staff of the Department of Distributed Systems develops the freely available SZTAKI Dictionary for the benefit of language learners and those interested in foreign languages.


Dictionary related services

    Talking dictionary. The SZTAKI Talking Dictionary provides the audio pronunciation of words in English or in Hungarian. The talking dictionary is available whenever you select "inline/popup pronunciation" or the "audio dictionary" in the options of the dictionary search form. The talking dictionary is accessible when you see the icon next to the word to pronunce.
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    Pronunciation. The SZTAKI Dicionary provides the IPA (International Pronunciation Association) pronunciation notation for the English and German dictionaries. Pronunciation can be displayed either inline with the translation results ("inline pronunciation" mode) or in popups ("popup pronunciation" mode) by moving the mouse over the word of interest.
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    Virtual keyboard. The Virtual Keyboard makes it easy for foreign speakers to enter special, accented characters of various languages (like Hungarian, Polish, French).
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    Glossary. The SZTAKI Dictionary Glossary service provides an easy and quick solution for translating all words in a text and producing a glossary of the translated words. The service is currently in testing phase and is available for English to Hungarian and Hungarian to English translations.
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    SZTAKI Dictionary Mozilla/FireFox/Netscape search plugin. SZTAKI Dictionaries can be accessed from Mozilla based browsers from the Sidebar using the SZTAKI Dictionary search plugins. Searching via teh sidebar provides a prompt access to teh dictionaries and make also possible to search in many dictionaries at once and display the results in a merged listing.
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    SZTAKI Dictionary in the middle finger. The SZTAKI Dictionary translation services are not only available via the http://szotar.sztaki.hu vagy http://dict.sztaki.hu web interfaces but can also be accessed from the context menu (right click menu, normally clicked with the middle finger) of the Mozilla based browsers (Mozilla, FireFox, Netscape), Internet Explorer and Opera. Select a word, right click on it, select the appropriate SZTAKI Dictionary menu item and voila.
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    Bookmarklet. The bookmarklet is a special kind of link that contains a small piece of JavaScript code, that does something useful. In case of the SZTAKI Dictionary bookmarklet it enables you to translate any word you select on a webpage. The bookmarklet is similar to the "middle finger" solution, but it can be used in even more browsers.
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    SZTAKI WAP Dictionary. The SZTAKI Dictionaries can be access via WAP as well. To do this connect with you cell phone to http://szotar.sztaki.hu/index.wml.
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    Word Cloud. The SZTAKI Dictionary Word Cloud (or tag cloud) displays the statistics of the top searched words of the SZTAKI Dictionaries. The Word Cloud helps visualizing how the popularity of a given word or set of words is changing in time.
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    Dictionary "marketing". The SZTAKI Dictionary has a new edition in every quater of the year. These editions, published in Hungarian, provide an overview of what happened to dictionary in the past month, what has been developed, what new features are available. All this is done in an entertaining form otherwise we ourselves would get bored of it. :-) Some example of past editions and the designs created specifically for each edition:

    Past editions:

Questions, opinions

If you have any questions or comments regarding the SZTAKI Dictionaries feel free to contact us: