Pronunciation Symbols
Spelling Index  

For more information see Guide to Pronunciation.

e banana, collide, abut
'e, ,e humdrum, abut
e immediately preceding \ l \, \ n \, \m\, \n\, as in battle, mitten, eaten,
and sometimes open \'o¯p-em\, lock and key \-en-\;
immediately following \ l \, \ m \, \ r \, as often in French
table, prisme, titre
er further, merger, bird

'er-, 'e-r    as in two different pronunciations
of hurry, \'her-e¯, 'he-re¯\
a mat, map, mad, gag, snap, patch
day, fade, date, aorta, drape, cape
bother, cot, and, with most American speakers, father, cart
father as pronounced by speakers who do not rhyme it with bother;
French patte
au¯ now, loud, out
b baby, rib
ch chin, nature \'na¯-cher\ (actually this sound is  \ t \ + \ sh \ )
d did, adder
e bet, bed, peck
'e¯, ,e¯ beat, nosebleed, evenly, easy
easy, mealy
f fifty, cuff
g go, big, gift
h hat, ahead
hw whale as pronounced by those who do not have the same
pronunciation for both whale and wail
i tip, banish, active
site, side, buy, tripe (actually, this sound is \ a¯ \ + \ i \, or \ a¯ \ + \ i \ )
j job, gem, edge, join, judge
(actually, this sound is \ d \ + \ zh \ )
k kin, cook, ache
k_ German ich, Buch; one pronunciation of loch
l lily, pool
m murmur, dim, nymph
n no, own
n indicates that a preceding vowel or diphthong
is pronounced with the nasal passages open, as in French
un bon vin blancn-bo¯n-van-bla¯n\
n sing \'sin\, singer \'sin-er\, finger \'fin-er\, ink \'ink\
bone, know, beau
saw, all, gnaw, caught
œ French boeuf, German Hlle
œ¯ French feu, German Ho¯hle
o¯i coin, destroy
p pepper, lip
r red, car, rarity
s source, less
sh as in shy, mission, machine, special
(actually, this is a single sound, not two);
with a hyphen between, two sounds as in grasshopper \'gras-,ha¯p-er\
t tie, attack, late, later, latter
th as in thin, ether (actually, this is a single sound, not two);
with a hyphen between, two sounds as in knighthood \'ni¯t-,hu¯d\
_t_h then, either, this (actually, this is a single sound, not two)
rule, youth, union \'yu¯n-yen\, few \'fyu¯\
pull, wood, book, curable \'kyu¯r-e-bel\, fury \'fyu¯(e)r-e¯\
u German fllen, hbsch
u¯ French rue, German fu¯hlen
v vivid, give
w we, away; in some words having final \(,)o¯\, \(,)yu¯\, or \(,)u¯\
a variant \e-w\ occurs before vowels, as in \'fa¯l-e-win\,

covered by the variant \e(-w)\ or \ye(-w)\ at the entry word.

y yard, young, cue \'kyu¯\, mute \'myu¯t\, union \'yu¯n-yen\
y indicates that during the articulation of the sound represented by
the preceding character the front of the tongue has substantially
the position it has for the articulation of the first sound of
yard, as in the French digne \de¯ny\
z zone, raise
zh as in vision, azure \'azh-er\ (actually, this is a single sound, not two);
with a hyphen between, two sounds as in hogshead \'ho¯gz-,hed,
\ slant line used in pairs to mark the beginning
and end of a transcription: \'pen\
' mark preceding a syllable with primary (strongest) stress:
, mark preceding a syllable with secondary (medium) stress:
- mark of syllable division
( ) indicate that what is symbolized between is present in some
utterances but not in others: factory \'fak-t(e)re¯\
, indicates that many regard as unacceptable the pronunciation
variant immediately following: cupola \'kyu¯-pe-le, ¸,lo¯\