Explanatory Notes

Cross-Reference Index   Combining Forms, Prefixes & Suffixes

Brief paragraphs discriminating words of closely associated meaning from one another have been placed at a number of entries. They are signaled by an indented boldface italic syn. Each paragraph begins with a list of the words to be discussed in it, followed by a concise statement of the element of meaning that the words have in common. The discriminations themselves are frequently amplified with verbal illustrations and illustrative quotations:
1 haste ...  n ...
HASTE, HURRY, SPEED, EXPEDITION, DISPATCH mean quickness in movement or action. HASTE applies to personal action and implies urgency and precipitancy and often rashness < marry in  haste and repent at leisure  - Old Proverb  > HURRY often has a strong suggestion of agitated bustle or confusion < in the  hurry of departure she forgot her toothbrus > SPEED suggests swift efficiency in movement or action < the more haste, the less speed -   Old Proverb  > < exercises to increase your reading  speed  > EXPEDITION and DISPATCH both imply speed and efficiency in handling affairs but EXPEDITION stresses ease or efficiency of performance and DISPATCH carries a stronger suggestion of promptness in bringing matters to a conclusion < put her things on with remarkable  expedition - Arnold Bennet >  < there was no task in all the household ... which her mistress could not do far better and with more  dispatch than she  - Thomas Wolfe >

When a word is included in a synonym paragraph, the main entry for that word is followed by a run-on syn see - which refers to the entry where the synonym paragraph appears:
1 speed ...  n ... syn see HASTE
When a word is a main entry at which there is a synonym paragraph and is also included in another paragraph elsewhere, the paragraph at the main entry is followed by a run-on syn see in addition - which refers to the entry where the other paragraph may be found:
3 let  vb ...
syn LET, ALLOW, PERMIT mean not to forbid or prevent .... syn see in addition HIRE
2 hire  vb ...
syn HIRE, LET, LEASE, RENT, CHARTER mean to engage or grant for use at a price ....