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18 different matching expressions found:

éjjel at night (Correction)
at night-time (Correction)
by night (Correction)
night (Correction)
night-time (Correction)
o'nights (Correction)
ma éjjel tonight (Correction)
múlt éjjel last night (Correction)
egész éjjel overnight (Correction)
előző éjjel overnight (Correction)
éjjel-nappal day and night (Correction)
night and day (Correction)
round the clock (Correction)
minden éjjel nightly (Correction)
éjjel dolgozik to be on nightshift (Correction)
az elmúlt éjjel last night (Correction)
egész éjjel fenn van to be up all night (Correction)
egész éjjel fenn marad to be up all night (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

ma éjjel to night (Correction)
késő éjjel late at night (Correction)
egész éjjel all night (Correction)
all-night (Correction)
éjjel-nappal round-the clock (Correction)
ne sírj ma éjjel don't cry tonight (Correction)
egész éjjel tartó night-long (Correction)
éjjel-nappal tartó round-the-clock (Correction)

Correction mode off