[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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28 different matching expressions found:

leüt to dump (Correction)
to fell (Correction)
to knock down (Correction)
to knock off (Correction)
leütő knockdown (Correction)
leütés knockout (Correction)
beleütődik to knock against (Correction)
beleütközik to bump (Correction)
to butt (Correction)
to collide (Correction)
to knock up against (Correction)
orrát beleüti to nuzzle (Correction)
leütött áldozat assaulted victim (Correction)
knocked down victim (Correction)
beleüti az orrát to horn in (Correction)
beleütközik vmibe to blunder against sg (Correction)
to blunder into sg (Correction)
to come up against sg (Correction)
beleüti az orrát vmibe to nose into (Correction)
to poke one's nose into sg (Correction)
to pry into sg (Correction)
to snoop into sg (Correction)
leüt (árverésen vkinek) to adjudicate (Correction)
lába ujját beleüti vmibe to stub one's toe against sg (Correction)
mindenbe beleüti az orrát have a finger in every pie (Correction)
beleüti az orrát az ügybe to muscle in (Correction)
mindenhova beleüti az orrát to snoop (Correction)
to snoop around (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

leüt knock down (Correction)
knock off (Correction)
strike off (Correction)
beleüt strike into (Correction)
beleütközik blunder against (Correction)
blunder into (Correction)
leüt (sakkban) to capture (Correction)
(hátulról) leüt backstab (Correction)
beleüti az orrát nose into (Correction)
poke ones nose into (Correction)
put one's oar in (Correction)
showe one's oar in (Correction)
snoop into (Correction)
thrust one's nose into (Correction)
belebotlik/beleütközik vkibe bump into sb (Correction)
beleütközik/összeütközésbe kerül vele come up against (Correction)

Correction mode off