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13 different matching expressions found:

védelmez to cover (Correction)
to guard (Correction)
to safeguard (Correction)
to shield (Correction)
to ward (Correction)
védelmező advocate (Correction)
combatant (Correction)
defender (Correction)
shield (Correction)
vindicative (Correction)
vindicator (Correction)
védelmezés protectionism (Correction)
megvédelmezés vindication (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

5 different matching expressions found:

védelmez protect (Correction)
védelmező protective (Correction)
(meg)védelmezés vindication (Correction)
(meg)véd, védelmez defend (Correction)
őriz, védelmez; őr guard (Correction)

Correction mode off