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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

5 different matching expressions found:

besides amellett (Correction)
azonkívül (Correction)
emellett (Correction)
ezenkívül (Correction)
beside the point nem tartozik a tárgyhoz (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

beside mellett (Correction)
besides me rajtam kívül (Correction)
besides this emellett (Correction)
beside herself magánkívül (Correction)
beside himself magánkívül (Correction)
beside oneself magánkívül (Correction)
beside the mark nem érinti a lényeget (Correction)
beside the point lényegtelen (Correction)
many more besides még sok(an) más(ok) (Correction)
beside the purpose céltalan (Correction)
that's beside the mark ez nem tartozik a tárgyhoz (Correction)
that's beside the question nem erről van szó (Correction)

Correction mode off