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11 different matching expressions found:

lényeg elixir (Correction)
entity (Correction)
essence (Correction)
matter (Correction)
meat (Correction)
nub (Correction)
nucleus, nuclei (Correction)
point (Correction)
substance (Correction)
tenor (Correction)
lényeg nélküli insubstantial (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

lényeg bottom line (Correction)
essentials (Correction)
main point (Correction)
vitals (Correction)
ez itt a lényeg that's the point (Correction)
a kérdés/lényeg the point (Correction)
lényeg; nehézség crux (Correction)
"a lényeg az, hogy" the great thing is that (Correction)
lényeg, fő szempontok essentials (Correction)

Correction mode off