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85 different matching expressions found:

angol british (Correction)
britisher (Correction)
english (Correction)
sassenach (Correction)
hangol to attune (Correction)
to key (Correction)
to key up (Correction)
to tune (Correction)
to tune up (Correction)
lángol to be in flames (Correction)
to blaze (Correction)
to flame (Correction)
to flame out (Correction)
to glow (Correction)
to mantle (Correction)
lángoló afire (Correction)
aglow (Correction)
blazing (Correction)
flaming (Correction)
angolok british (Correction)
angolna eel (Correction)
hangoló tuner (Correction)
lángolás flame (Correction)
flaming (Correction)
lehangol it gives me the blues (Correction)
to cast down (Correction)
to deject (Correction)
to disconcert (Correction)
to distress (Correction)
to get sy down (Correction)
to hip (Correction)
to hump (Correction)
to unman (Correction)
angolkór rickets (Correction)
barangol to go for a roam (Correction)
to range (Correction)
to roam (Correction)
to rove (Correction)
to saunter (Correction)
to saunter along (Correction)
to spatiate (Correction)
behangol to tune (Correction)
elhangol to tune out (Correction)
kihangol to tune out (Correction)
lángolóan aglow (Correction)
lehangolt dejected (Correction)
depressed (Correction)
disconcerted (Correction)
distressed (Correction)
downcast (Correction)
downhearted (Correction)
have the hip (Correction)
have the hump (Correction)
low (Correction)
overcast (Correction)
to be in low spirits (Correction)
to be in poor spirits (Correction)
to be out of spirits (Correction)
to desolate (Correction)
to feel low (Correction)
lehangoló depressing (Correction)
depressive (Correction)
disconcerting (Correction)
dismal (Correction)
distressing (Correction)
fellángol to burn up (Correction)
to flame (Correction)
to flame out (Correction)
to flare up (Correction)
to kindle (Correction)
marcangol to butch (Correction)
to maul (Correction)
csatangol to fool about (Correction)
to fool around (Correction)
to go for a roam (Correction)
to maroon (Correction)
to saunter (Correction)
to saunter along (Correction)
to straggle (Correction)
to trapes (Correction)
felhangol to key (Correction)
to key up (Correction)
to put in tune (Correction)
to string, strung (Correction)
to tone up (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

Angola Angola (Correction)
óangol Old English (Correction)
angolai Angolan (Correction)
angolna conger (Correction)
angolul in english (Correction)
hangolt tuned (Correction)
lángolás blazing (Correction)
lehangol cast down (Correction)
deject (Correction)
angol Englishwoman (Correction)
angolkór rachitis (Correction)
barangol roam (Correction)
rove (Correction)
behangol tune in (Correction)
hangolás tuning (Correction)

Correction mode off