11 different matching expressions found:
elpáhol | to hide (Correction) |
to lam (Correction) | |
to lather (Correction) | |
to mill (Correction) | |
to spank (Correction) | |
to strafe (Correction) | |
to thrash (Correction) | |
to welt (Correction) | |
jól elpáhol vkit | to beat the stuffing out of sy (Correction) |
to trim sy a jacket (Correction) | |
alaposan elpáhol vkit | to knock spots off sy (Correction) |
Searching the extension dictionary:
2 different matching expressions found:
elpáhol | thrash (Correction) |
ütés; megüt, elpáhol | spank (Correction) |
Correction mode off