28 different matching expressions found:
lehord | to berate (Correction) |
to blow up (Correction) | |
to call down (Correction) | |
to carpet (Correction) | |
to chide, chid, chidden (Correction) | |
to jump upon (Correction) | |
to pan (Correction) | |
to rate (Correction) | |
to round on (Correction) | |
to round upon (Correction) | |
to row (Correction) | |
to scold (Correction) | |
to slag (Correction) | |
to slag off (Correction) | |
to slate (Correction) | |
to strafe (Correction) | |
to tick off (Correction) | |
to trim (Correction) | |
to trounce (Correction) | |
to vituperate (Correction) | |
lehord vkit | to bawl sy out (Correction) |
jól lehord vkit | to come down on sy (Correction) |
to give sy beans (Correction) | |
to give sy what for (Correction) | |
to haul sy over the coals (Correction) | |
alaposan lehord vkit | to give it sy hot (Correction) |
keményen lehord vkit | to go for sy scone-hot (Correction) |
to go sy scone-hot (Correction) |
Searching the extension dictionary:
6 different matching expressions found:
lehord | berate (Correction) |
round on (Correction) | |
round upon (Correction) | |
letol/lehord | dress down (Correction) |
(meg)szid, lehord | scold (Correction) |
lehord/leszid/letol | dress (sy) down (Correction) |
Correction mode off