32 different matching expressions found:
utazik | to fare |
to go for a ride | |
to journey | |
to tour | |
to travel | |
to voyage | |
elutazik | to depart |
to fare forth | |
to leave for | |
to leave, left | |
to vacate | |
beutazik | to travel |
utazik vkire | to pick on |
tetőn utazik | to ride outside |
hajón utazik | to sail |
potyán utazik | to battle the rattler |
utazik vmivel | to travel by sg |
utazik vmiben | to travel in sg |
gyorsan utazik | to post |
vasúton utazik | to rail |
tengeren utazik | to cruise |
autóbuszon utazik | to ride in a bus |
repülőgépen utazik | to go by air |
autóstoppal utazik | to hitch a ride |
to hitchhike | |
kutyaszánon utazik | to mush |
postakocsin utazik | to post |
nyílt tetőn utazik | to ride outside |
nagy távolságra utazik | to overland |
utazik (kábítószerrel) | to take a trip |
váltott lovakkal utazik | to ride post |
az ország belsejébe utazik | to travel up the country |
Searching the extension dictionary:
9 different matching expressions found:
utazik | travel |
elutazik | fare forth |
vidékre utazik | go up country |
elmegy, elutazik | go away |
utazik (csak ige!) | travel |
kényelmesen utazik | travel by easy stages |
elutazik, utazást tesz | take a trip |
trip / take a - | |
kevés csomaggal utazik | travel light |
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