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32 different matching expressions found:

lehord to berate
to blow up
to call down
to carpet
to chide, chid, chidden
to jump upon
to pan
to rate
to round on
to round upon
to row
to scold
to slag
to slag off
to slate
to strafe
to tick off
to trim
to trounce
to vituperate
lehordás crackdown
lehordott peeled
lehordják to get the raspberry
lehord vkit to bawl sy out
jól lehord vkit to come down on sy
to give sy beans
to give sy what for
to haul sy over the coals
alaposan lehord vkit to give it sy hot
keményen lehord vkit to go for sy scone-hot
to go sy scone-hot

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

lehord berate
round on
round upon
letol/lehord dress down
(meg)szid, lehord scold
lehord/leszid/letol dress (sy) down

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