English-Hungarian, Hungarian-English Dictionary -- Help
How can I use Hungarian accentuated letters?
The table below helps you using Latin-2 or flying accents:
Latin-1 : á é í ó ö ő ô ú ü ű Latin-2 : á é í ó ö ő ô ú ü ű flying : a' e' i' o' o: o" o" u' u: u"
Alternatively you may set the "Ignore accents" checkbox, and so you can type the pattern without accents (e.g. vodor instead of vo:do:r). -
How can I change traslation direction?
The translation direction is shown by the arrow
Click on it to switch the direction. Is capitalization important?
- Search in the dictionary is case insesitive by default, but this behavior can be changed by unsetting the "Ignore case" checkbox of the main page.
What are the links used for on the top of search result pages?
- You can change search modes and search languages without having to re-type words.
Who maintains the dictionary?
- Search interface was written by Balázs Pataki and Gergő Kiss webmasters of MTA SzTAKI.
- Base dictionary was collected by Attila Vonyó and edited by László Drótos
- Extension dictionary is maintained by the webmasters, but anyone can add new words.
How can I get a local copy of the dictionary?
- The original dictionary file is available at http://www.vein.hu/~vonyoa/SZOTAR.HTM!
Search examples:
From English into Hungarian, full matches: key, train
From English into Hungarian, whole words: key, train
From English into Hungarian, word prefixes only: key, train
From English into Hungarian, any partial matches: key, train
From Hungarian into English, full matches: kulcs, vonat
From Hungarian into English, whole words: kulcs, vonat
From Hungarian into English, word prefixes only: kulcs, vonat
From Hungarian into English, any partial matches: kulcs, vonat
From Hungarian into English, word prefixes only, without accents: vodor, soros