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Dictionary definition of for the time being1time n1a: the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues: DURATION b: a continuum which lacks spatial dimensions and in which events succeed one another from past through present to future c: LEISURE <time for reading> 2: the point or period when something occurs: OCCASION 3: an appointed, fixed, or customary moment or hour for something to happen, begin, or end <arrived ahead of time> 4a: an historical period: AGE b: a division of geologic chronology c: conditions at present or at some specified period <times are hard> <move with the times> d: the present time <issues of the time> 5a: LIFETIME b: a period of apprenticeship c: a term of military service d: a prison sentence 6: SEASON <very hot for this time of year> 7a: rate of speed: TEMPO b: the grouping of the beats of music: RHYTHM 8a: a moment, hour, day, or year as indicated by a clock or calendar <what time is it> b: any of various systems (as sidereal or solar) of reckoning time 9a: one of a series of recurring instances or repeated actions <you've been told many times> b pl (1): added or accumulated quantities or instances <five times greater> (2): equal fractional parts of which an indicated number equal a comparatively greater quantity <seven times smaller> <three times closer> c: TURN <three times at bat> 10: finite as contrasted with infinite duration 11: a person's experience during a specified period or on a particular occasion <a good time> 12a: the hours or days occupied by one's work <make up time> b: an hourly pay rate <straight time> c: wages paid at discharge or resignation <pick up your time and get out> 13a: the playing time of a game b: TIME-OUT -- at the same time: HOWEVER, NEVERTHELESS <glorify the equalitarian ideal and at the same time keep woman in the subordinate role --Vance Pakard> -- at times: at intervals: OCCASIONALLY -- for the time being: for the present -- from time to time: once in a while: OCCASIONALLY -- in no time: in the shortest possible time -- in time 1: sufficiently early 2: in the course of time: EVENTUALLY 3: in correct temp <learn to play in time> -- on time 1 a :at the appointed time b: on schedule 2: on the installment plan -- time and again: FREQUENTLY, REPEATEDLY Thesaurus definition of for the time beingNo definition found. | |||||||||