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22 different matching expressions found:

fashion divat (Correction)
fazon (Correction)
mód (Correction)
szabás (Correction)
szokás (Correction)
to fashion alakít (Correction)
készít (Correction)
megformál (Correction)
megmunkál (Correction)
fashionable divatos (Correction)
elegáns (Correction)
old-fashioned régimódi (Correction)
ódivatú (Correction)
to be in fashion divatban van (Correction)
fashion-conscious divatrajongó (Correction)
to come in fashion divatba jön (Correction)
dictator of fashion divatdiktátor (Correction)
to be out of fashion divatjamúlt (Correction)
ódivatú (Correction)
to go out of fashion kimegy a divatból (Correction)
to follow the fashion a divatnak hódol (Correction)
to bring sg into fashion divatba hoz vmit (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

refashion átformál (Correction)
in fashion divatos (Correction)
fashion-book divatlap (Correction)
fashion-show divatbemutató (Correction)
fashion-plate divatkép (Correction)
old-fashioned ódivatú, régimódi, divatjamúlt (Correction)
unfashionable divatjamúlt (Correction)
man of fashion társasági ember (Correction)
out of fashion divatjamúlt (Correction)
after a fashion úgy-ahogy (Correction)
set the fashion divatot csinál/teremt (Correction)
it's the fashion ez a divat (Correction)
come into fashion divatba jön (Correction)
go out of fashion kimegy a szokásból/divatból (Correction)
it is the fashion ez a divat (Correction)
as was his fashion ahogy ő szokta (Correction)
bring into fashion divatba hoz (Correction)
follow the fashion követi a divatot (Correction)
in a strange fashion különös módon (Correction)
it's all the fashion ez ma a divat (Correction)
to come into fashion divatba jön (Correction)
in an orderly fashion szép rendben (Correction)
it is all the fashion ez ma a divat (Correction)
to bring into fashion divatba hoz (Correction)
in the height of fashion legutólsó divat szerint (Correction)
this fashion has been taking on divatba jött/nagyon felkapták (Correction)

Correction mode off