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14 different matching expressions found:

kivet to assess (Correction)
to eject (Correction)
to impose (Correction)
to lay on (Correction)
to levy (Correction)
adót kivet to tax (Correction)
adót kivet vmire to lay a tax on sg (Correction)
to levy a tax on sg (Correction)
kivet (nyeregből) to dismount (Correction)
kivet a tengelyből to offset (Correction)
közvetett adót kivet to excise (Correction)
kivet a kerékvágásból to throw out (Correction)
fogyasztási adót kivet to excise (Correction)
kivet (átültetett szervet) to reject (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

kivet,kiró imposes (Correction)
adót kivet lay a tax (Correction)
levy a tax (Correction)
horgonyt kivet drop the anchor (Correction)

Correction mode off