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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

7 different matching expressions found:

nagyra tart to esteem (Correction)
to prise (Correction)
nagyra tart vkit have a high opinion of sy (Correction)
nagyra tart vmit to lay store by sg (Correction)
to make much of sg (Correction)
to set store by sg (Correction)
rendkívül nagyra tart vkit to think no end of sy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

nagyra tart have a high opinion (Correction)
rank high (Correction)
nagyra tart/becsül hold in estimation (Correction)
határtalanul nagyra tart valakit/a lehető legjobb véleménye van valakiről think no end of somebody (Correction)

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