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56 different matching expressions found:

birtok demesne (Correction)
domain (Correction)
estate (Correction)
land (Correction)
lordship (Correction)
property (Correction)
propriety (Correction)
substance (Correction)
tenure (Correction)
birtokos occupant (Correction)
possessive (Correction)
proprietary (Correction)
birtok occupant (Correction)
birtokol to hold possession of (Correction)
to hold, held (Correction)
to occupy (Correction)
to possess (Correction)
birtoklás occupancy (Correction)
possession (Correction)
tenure (Correction)
birtokosi possessive (Correction)
tenurial (Correction)
birtoklevél title-deed (Correction)
birtokfosztás ejection (Correction)
birtokbavétel entry (Correction)
occupancy (Correction)
hűbéri birtok feudal tenure (Correction)
tenure (Correction)
birtokol vmit to possess (Correction)
birtokba vesz to seize (Correction)
uratlan birtok land in abeyance (Correction)
birtokháborító trespasser (Correction)
közös birtoklás communal tenure (Correction)
unity (Correction)
ingatlan birtok immovable estate (Correction)
birtokba helyez to put into possession (Correction)
birtokháborítás trespass (Correction)
gazdátlan birtok land in abeyance (Correction)
újra birtokbajutás getting back (Correction)
birtokba vesz vmit to enter into possession of sg (Correction)
to take possession of sg (Correction)
birtokot megszerez to evict (Correction)
birtokában van vmi to possess (Correction)
birtoklási rendszer system of land tenure (Correction)
a birtok reá szállt the estate devolved upon him (Correction)
birtoklás időtartama tenure (Correction)
birtokába jut vminek to step into (Correction)
örökös nélküli birtok estate in abeyance (Correction)
ő örökölte a birtokot the estate devolved upon him (Correction)
birtokában van vminek to be in possession of sg (Correction)
örökséget birtokba vesz to enter on an inheritance (Correction)
területet birtokba vesz to peg out a claim (Correction)
állandó jellegű birtoklás fixity of tenure (Correction)
birtokos esetben használt possessed (Correction)
közösen birtokolt részvény joint shares (Correction)
senki által nem követelt birtok land in abeyance (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

19 different matching expressions found:

birtokol possess (Correction)
(föld)birtok estate (Correction)
birtokos eset possesive (Correction)
possessive case (Correction)
birtokba vesz take possession (Correction)
birtokában van be in possession (Correction)
birtokba venni come into possession (Correction)
enter into possession (Correction)
birtokban tartó holder (Correction)
birtokol; saját own (Correction)
birtokos névmás possessive pronoun (Correction)
birtokba helyez put into possession (Correction)
tulajdon, birtok possession (Correction)
van vkinek, birtokol have (got), had , had (Correction)
teljes birtokában van in full possession (Correction)
örökséget birtokba vesz enter upon an inheritance (Correction)
birtoklás, haszonélvezet tenure (Correction)
tulajdon, birtok, ingatlan property (Correction)
megfosztás (állástól, birtoktól) divestiture (Correction)

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