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17 different matching expressions found:

hátrál to back (Correction)
to beat a retreat (Correction)
to flinch (Correction)
to give ground (Correction)
to give way (Correction)
to lose ground (Correction)
to recede (Correction)
to recess (Correction)
to retreat (Correction)
hátráló goer back (Correction)
hátrálás recess (Correction)
shrink (Correction)
hátráltat to set back (Correction)
nem hátrál to hold one's ground (Correction)
to hold one's own (Correction)
to stand fast (Correction)
hátráltatás setback (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

hátrál give ground (Correction)
lose ground (Correction)
recede (Correction)
hátráló receding (Correction)
hátrálva stern foremost (Correction)
(meg)hátrál flinch (Correction)
hátrálékba kerül fall into arrears (Correction)
visszariad/hátrál boggle (Correction)
nem mozdul/hátrál stand fast (Correction)

Correction mode off