[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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19 different matching expressions found:

ordít to bawl (Correction)
to bellow (Correction)
to bray (Correction)
to cry (Correction)
to howl (Correction)
to roar (Correction)
to squall (Correction)
to yawp (Correction)
to yell (Correction)
ordító howling (Correction)
vociferous (Correction)
ordítás bellow (Correction)
howl (Correction)
squall (Correction)
yawp (Correction)
ordítozik to holler (Correction)
ordítva énekel to scream (Correction)
ordít a fájdalomtól to shout with pain (Correction)
rekedtre ordítja magát to scream oneself hoarse (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

3 different matching expressions found:

ordít bawl (Correction)
bray (Correction)
ordít(ás) squall (Correction)

Correction mode off