[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

75 different matching expressions found:

tol to jostle (Correction)
to push (Correction)
to shove (Correction)
to thrust (Correction)
to wheel (Correction)
toll pen (Correction)
plume (Correction)
toló pusher (Correction)
told to splice (Correction)
tolás push (Correction)
shove (Correction)
thrust (Correction)
tolat to back the car (Correction)
to reverse (Correction)
to shunt (Correction)
toldás elongation (Correction)
patch (Correction)
tollas feathery (Correction)
tolvaj filch (Correction)
pilferer (Correction)
scrounger (Correction)
sticky fingers (Correction)
taker (Correction)
thief (Correction)
tolóka finger (Correction)
pusher (Correction)
slide (Correction)
tolni! push bar to open! (Correction)
tolató pusher (Correction)
toldat rider (Correction)
tolong to crowd (Correction)
to crush (Correction)
to press (Correction)
to rush (Correction)
to squash (Correction)
toldoz to piece (Correction)
tolózár bolt (Correction)
fastener (Correction)
fastening (Correction)
latch (Correction)
valve (Correction)
tolatás shunt (Correction)
toldalék affix (Correction)
appendage (Correction)
appendix, appendices (Correction)
ell (Correction)
elongation (Correction)
tag (Correction)
tolakodó assertive (Correction)
importunate (Correction)
indiscreet (Correction)
intruder (Correction)
intrusive (Correction)
obtrusive (Correction)
shrill (Correction)
tollrost barb (Correction)
tolongás bustle (Correction)
crowd (Correction)
crush (Correction)
jam (Correction)
press (Correction)
rush (Correction)
scramble (Correction)
squash (Correction)
squeeze (Correction)
tollazat feather (Correction)
plumage (Correction)
plume (Correction)
tolószék invalid chair (Correction)
wheelchair (Correction)
tollrajz pen sketch (Correction)
tolósúly rider (Correction)
tolókapa scuffle (Correction)
tolattyú slide (Correction)
toleráns tolerant (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

25 different matching expressions found:

toll feather (Correction)
tolat back the car (Correction)
reverse one's car (Correction)
tolvaj rustler (Correction)
snapper-up (Correction)
tolató shunter (Correction)
tolmács interpreter (Correction)
tolatás reverse (gear) (Correction)
reversing (Correction)
shunting (Correction)
tolómérő caliper (Correction)
vernier (Correction)
tollazat feathering (Correction)
tolóajtó hatch (Correction)
push-door (Correction)
sliding door (Correction)
tollhegy pen-nib (Correction)
tollszár penholder (Correction)
quill (Correction)
tolakodó self-assertive (Correction)
tolattyú sleeve-valve (Correction)
tolótető sliding roof (Correction)
sun-roof (Correction)
toldalék tail-piece (Correction)
tolvajok thieves (Correction)

Correction mode off