[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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89 different matching expressions found:

állít have, had (Correction)
to affirm (Correction)
to allege (Correction)
to assert (Correction)
to aver (Correction)
to claim (Correction)
to contend (Correction)
to have, had (Correction)
to make out (Correction)
to pitch (Correction)
to plead (Correction)
to plead, pled (Correction)
to post (Correction)
to predicate (Correction)
to profess (Correction)
to put up (Correction)
to set up (Correction)
to state (Correction)
to submit (Correction)
to suggest (Correction)
to vouch (Correction)
állító affirmative (Correction)
assertive (Correction)
positive (Correction)
predicative (Correction)
állítás affirmation (Correction)
allegation (Correction)
assertion (Correction)
predicate (Correction)
representation (Correction)
statement (Correction)
állítva assertively (Correction)
beállít to adjust (Correction)
to blow in (Correction)
to install (Correction)
to mount (Correction)
to pose (Correction)
to regulate (Correction)
to reset, reset (Correction)
to set, set (Correction)
to time (Correction)
to tune (Correction)
to tune in (Correction)
to tune up (Correction)
to turn up (Correction)
szállít to carry (Correction)
to cart (Correction)
to convey (Correction)
to deliver (Correction)
to expedite (Correction)
to haul (Correction)
to purvey (Correction)
to ship (Correction)
to transport (Correction)
leállít to clamp down on sg (Correction)
to come to a halt (Correction)
to stall (Correction)
to stay (Correction)
to stem (Correction)
to stopper (Correction)
kiállít to display (Correction)
to draw, drew, drawn (Correction)
to engross (Correction)
to exhibit (Correction)
to expose (Correction)
to make out (Correction)
to set out (Correction)
to write out (Correction)
elállít to stem (Correction)
szállító caterer (Correction)
contractor (Correction)
hauler (Correction)
haulier (Correction)
purveyor (Correction)
remover (Correction)
supplier (Correction)
kiállító exhibitor (Correction)
exhibitory (Correction)
megállít to arrest (Correction)
to bring to (Correction)
to hold up (Correction)
felállít to cock (Correction)
to erect (Correction)
to mount (Correction)
to pitch (Correction)
to post (Correction)
előállít to generate (Correction)
to produce (Correction)
odaállít to post (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

11 different matching expressions found:

állít allege (Correction)
assert (Correction)
averr (Correction)
beállít adjust (Correction)
preset (Correction)
set (Correction)
tuneup (Correction)
szállít convey (Correction)
deliver (Correction)
purvey (Correction)
átállít retool (Correction)

Correction mode off