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87 different matching expressions found:

árad to diffuse (Correction)
to emanate (Correction)
to surge (Correction)
áradó surging (Correction)
torrential (Correction)
fáradt deadbeat (Correction)
drawn (Correction)
heavy (Correction)
languid (Correction)
tired (Correction)
wearied (Correction)
weary (Correction)
worn-out (Correction)
áradat deluge (Correction)
flow (Correction)
flush (Correction)
flux (Correction)
freshet (Correction)
gush (Correction)
river (Correction)
stream (Correction)
torrent (Correction)
áradás flush (Correction)
sweep (Correction)
swelling (Correction)
szárad to dry (Correction)
kiárad to emanate (Correction)
to flare (Correction)
to flood (Correction)
to flux (Correction)
to overflow (Correction)
to pour forth (Correction)
to well forth (Correction)
to well up (Correction)
záradék clause (Correction)
rider (Correction)
kiáradó effusive (Correction)
áradozó effusive (Correction)
járadék exhibition (Correction)
rent (Correction)
supplies (Correction)
elfárad to get tired (Correction)
to tire (Correction)
kifárad to knock up (Correction)
to peg out (Correction)
to tire (Correction)
áradmány accretion (Correction)
kifáradt distressed (Correction)
exhausted (Correction)
túláradó effusive (Correction)
exuberant (Correction)
flush (Correction)
luxuriant (Correction)
áradozva effusively (Correction)
kiáradás emanation (Correction)
overflow (Correction)
fáradság fatigue (Correction)
pains (Correction)
trouble (Correction)
áradozás gush (Correction)
áradozós gushy (Correction)
kiszárad to desiccate (Correction)
to drain (Correction)
to dry (Correction)
to dry up (Correction)
to run dry (Correction)
to shrivel (Correction)
to shrivel up (Correction)
to wizen (Correction)
áradozik to gush (Correction)
elszárad to parch (Correction)
to shrivel (Correction)
to shrivel up (Correction)
to wither (Correction)
fáradtan wearily (Correction)
szóáradat blatter (Correction)
harangue (Correction)
river of talk (Correction)
kiszáradt dry (Correction)
fáradozás effort (Correction)
pains (Correction)
túláradás exuberance (Correction)
túláradva exuberantly (Correction)
fáradtság fatigue (Correction)
languidity (Correction)
kifáradás fatigue (Correction)
kiszáradó searing (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

13 different matching expressions found:

fárad fagged (Correction)
tire (Correction)
fáradt be tired (Correction)
spent (Correction)
tired of (Correction)
áradás flood (Correction)
záradék cadence (Correction)
kifárad get fagged (Correction)
elfárad get tired (Correction)
túláradó ebullient (Correction)
kifáradt knackered (Correction)
shagged (Correction)
kiszárad run dry (Correction)

Correction mode off