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64 different matching expressions found:

apad to dry (Correction)
to dwindle (Correction)
to dwindle away (Correction)
to ebb (Correction)
to sink, sank, sunk (Correction)
tapad to adhere (Correction)
to attach (Correction)
to cleave (Correction)
to cleave, clave, cleaved (Correction)
to cleave, clove, cleaved (Correction)
to cling, clung (Correction)
to stick, stuck (Correction)
tapadó adhesive (Correction)
cohesive (Correction)
apadás shrinkage (Correction)
kiapad to dry (Correction)
leapad to subside (Correction)
tapadás adherence (Correction)
cohesion (Correction)
cohesive hold (Correction)
ládapad bunker (Correction)
tapadós clam (Correction)
fapad hardwood floor (Correction)
munkapad bench (Correction)
tree (Correction)
workbench (Correction)
tapadóan cohesively (Correction)
csapadék fall (Correction)
moisture (Correction)
precipitate (Correction)
precipitation (Correction)
residue (Correction)
residuum, residua (Correction)
wet (Correction)
odatapad to stick at (Correction)
odatapadó adhesive (Correction)
iskolapad desk (Correction)
összetapad to cohere (Correction)
to felt (Correction)
hozzátapad to stick on (Correction)
to stick to (Correction)
összetapadó cohesive (Correction)
esztergapad lathe (Correction)
szénapadlás loft (Correction)
deszkapad strip floor (Correction)
összetapadás cohesion (Correction)
atomcsapadék fall-out (Correction)
tapadási erő gripping force (Correction)
tapadókorong sucker (Correction)
sucking disk (Correction)
tapadóabroncs adhesive tyre (Correction)
kemencetapadék salamander (Correction)
kiapadhatatlan unfailing (Correction)
tapadásra képes cohesive (Correction)
öntapadós címke stick-on label (Correction)
sticker (Correction)
csúcsesztergapad centre lathe (Correction)
pivot lathe (Correction)
csapadék mennyisége fall (Correction)
tapadó tengeri csiga limpet (Correction)
tengeri tapadókagyló limpet (Correction)
összetapadt hajcsomó mat (Correction)
műszerész esztergapad bench lathe (Correction)
hozzátapad vkihez mint egy pióca to stick like a leech (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

tapad adhere (Correction)
tapadó adherent (Correction)
fapad hard-wood floor (Correction)
odatapad stick at (Correction)
próbapad test bench (Correction)
alapadatok raw data (Correction)
csapadékvíz rainwater (Correction)
esztergapad turn-bench (Correction)
turning-lathe (Correction)
(oda)tapadás adhesion (Correction)
tapadókorong suction-cup (Correction)
tapadási súrlódás sticking friction (Correction)
stiction (Correction)
traction (Correction)
apadékszegény teületeken nedvesség konzerválással való gazdálkodás> dry farming (Correction)

Correction mode off