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30 different matching expressions found:

bús cheerless (Correction)
dejected (Correction)
disconsolate (Correction)
dolorous (Correction)
gloomy (Correction)
rueful (Correction)
sad (Correction)
sorry (Correction)
trist (Correction)
tristful (Correction)
búsan dejectedly (Correction)
disconsolately (Correction)
ruefully (Correction)
sadly (Correction)
búsul to bewail (Correction)
to grieve (Correction)
to mourn (Correction)
to yearn (Correction)
mélabús gloomy (Correction)
to be down in the dumps (Correction)
búskomor melancholy (Correction)
búslakodó heavy-hearted (Correction)
moping (Correction)
búslakodik to mope (Correction)
búskomorság melancholy (Correction)
menj a búsba! bug off! (Correction)
tűnj a búsba! bug off! (Correction)
búslakodó ember mope (Correction)
búsul sorsa felett he bewails his lot (Correction)
barátja elvesztésén búslakodik to mourn the loss of a friend (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

mélabús mopish (Correction)
búskomor melancholic (Correction)
saturnine (Correction)
búslakodik mope (Correction)
tízbábús teke bowling (Correction)
fel a fejjel. ne búsulj. cheer / - up! (Correction)
kamatostul/búsásan megfizet repay with interest (Correction)

Correction mode off