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9 different matching expressions found:

botlik to lapse (Correction)
elbotlik to trip up (Correction)
megbotlik to stumble (Correction)
to trip (Correction)
to trip up (Correction)
belebotlik to chance upon (Correction)
belebotlik vkibe to run up against sy (Correction)
megbotlik vmiben to trip over sg (Correction)
megbotlik siettében to fall over oneself (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

elbotlik fall over oneself (Correction)
megbotlik stumble (Correction)
trip over (Correction)
belebotlik vkibe run across sb 2. (Correction)
to bump into (Correction)
botladozik; megbotlik stumble (Correction)
belebotlik/beleütközik vkibe bump into sb (Correction)
talál, véletlenül belebotlik come across (Correction)

Correction mode off