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12 different matching expressions found:

egyre ever (Correction)
jegyre ad to put on rations (Correction)
to ration (Correction)
egyre megy it is as broad as it is long (Correction)
egyre romlik from bad to worse (Correction)
egyre inkább increasingly (Correction)
jegyre adagol to ration (Correction)
egyre rosszabb from bad to worse (Correction)
egyre kevesebb less and less (Correction)
egyre többen becsülik his stock is going up (Correction)
egyre többen értékelik his stock is going up (Correction)
egyre nagyobb befolyása van to be in the ascendant (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

egyremegy as broad as it is long (Correction)
jegyre ad put on rations (Correction)
egyre jobban better and better (Correction)
egyre inkább more and more (Correction)
egyre kevésbé decreasingly (Correction)
less and less (Correction)
élelmiszerjegyrendsz food-rationing (Correction)
egyre jobban, egyre inkább more and more (Correction)
egyre elterjedtebb, egyre több increase / be on the - (Correction)
egyre jobban megvilágosodott előtte it came more and more upon him (Correction)

Correction mode off