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86 different matching expressions found:

hány to barf (Correction)
to be sick (Correction)
to cat (Correction)
to dump (Correction)
to dump one's load (Correction)
to puke (Correction)
to throw, threw, thrown (Correction)
to vomit (Correction)
what (Correction)
hány? how many? (Correction)
hányó vomiting (Correction)
puhány boneless (Correction)
milksop (Correction)
sissy (Correction)
weakling (Correction)
dohány brass (Correction)
chink (Correction)
dough (Correction)
lolly (Correction)
rhino (Correction)
tin (Correction)
tobacco (Correction)
wampum (Correction)
weed (Correction)
hányad fraction (Correction)
proportion (Correction)
quota (Correction)
hány one or two (Correction)
several (Correction)
some (Correction)
two or three (Correction)
hányás puke (Correction)
elhány to cast, cast (Correction)
to misplace (Correction)
to shed (Correction)
to shed, shed (Correction)
kihány to disgorge (Correction)
to puke (Correction)
to reject (Correction)
to spew (Correction)
to throw up (Correction)
to vomit (Correction)
lehány to dump (Correction)
to dump down (Correction)
hányan a number of persons (Correction)
hányódva adrift (Correction)
akárhány any number of (Correction)
hányadék barf city (Correction)
barf-out (Correction)
glop (Correction)
sárhányó dashboard (Correction)
fender (Correction)
mudguard (Correction)
splash-board (Correction)
splasher (Correction)
wing (Correction)
hánytató emetic (Correction)
puke (Correction)
valahány every one (Correction)
hányódás pitch (Correction)
tossing (Correction)
hányados quotient (Correction)
hányás rip-rap (Correction)
hányódik to be adrift (Correction)
to go adrift (Correction)
to toss (Correction)
széthány to derange (Correction)
to throw about (Correction)
vízhányó watershed (Correction)
vérhányás black vomit (Correction)
hányinger feeling of sickness (Correction)
nausea (Correction)
retch (Correction)
retching (Correction)
hányszor? how often? (Correction)
hányatott rugged (Correction)
dohányzás smoke (Correction)
smoking (Correction)
hányaveti stuck-up (Correction)
összehány to lumber (Correction)
dohányzik to smoke (Correction)
földhányás bank (Correction)
hány sor note (Correction)
meddőhányó refuse (Correction)
spoil (Correction)
hány éve some years back (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

hány be sick (Correction)
hány few (Correction)
széthány derange (Correction)
hányados fraction (Correction)
dohány smoker (Correction)
smoking-room (Correction)
hány óra? how goes the enemy? (Correction)
how goes the time? (Correction)
hány éves how old (Correction)
how old are you (Correction)
egynéhány one or two (Correction)
two or three (Correction)
hány/okád puke (Correction)
dohányzik smoke (Correction)

Correction mode off