[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

85 different matching expressions found:

kár damage (Correction)
detriment (Correction)
disadvantage (Correction)
disservice (Correction)
expense (Correction)
harm (Correction)
impairment (Correction)
injury (Correction)
loss (Correction)
mischief (Correction)
pity (Correction)
toll (Correction)
káró diamonds (Correction)
kár! that's too bad! (Correction)
káros baleful (Correction)
deleterious (Correction)
deteriorative (Correction)
detrimental (Correction)
harmful (Correction)
hurtful (Correction)
ill (Correction)
injurious (Correction)
injuroius (Correction)
maleficent (Correction)
parasitic (Correction)
pernicious (Correction)
prejudicial (Correction)
ruinous (Correction)
unwholesome (Correction)
károg to caw (Correction)
to croak (Correction)
akárki any (Correction)
anybody (Correction)
whoever (Correction)
akármi any (Correction)
whatever (Correction)
whatsoever (Correction)
bankár banker (Correction)
financier (Correction)
tally (Correction)
kártya card (Correction)
cards (Correction)
kárpit drape (Correction)
tűzkár fire (Correction)
szikár haggard (Correction)
lean (Correction)
skinny (Correction)
spare (Correction)
titkár secretary (Correction)
kártol to teasel (Correction)
akárhol anywhere (Correction)
wherever (Correction)
hajókár average (Correction)
kártoló card (Correction)
károgás cawing (Correction)
croak (Correction)
kokárda cockade (Correction)
kártyás gambler (Correction)
kártevő pest (Correction)
titkári secretarial (Correction)
káromol to swear at (Correction)
akármit whatever (Correction)
whatsoever (Correction)
akárkit whomever (Correction)
whomsoever (Correction)
akárhány any number of (Correction)
akárhogy anyway (Correction)
töréskár breakage (Correction)
kokárdás cockaded (Correction)
kárhozat damnation (Correction)
perdition (Correction)
kártétel injury (Correction)
akárcsak same as (Correction)
the same as (Correction)
titkár secretary (Correction)
kárpótol to compensate (Correction)
to condone (Correction)
to indemnify (Correction)
to offset (Correction)
to recompense (Correction)
to recoup (Correction)
kárpitoz to stuff (Correction)
to upholster (Correction)
kárpitos upholsterer (Correction)
akárhova wherever (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

kár be a pity (Correction)
pity / be a - (Correction)
pity / it's a - (Correction)
pity / that's a - (Correction)
that's a pity (Correction)
káros adverse (Correction)
damaging (Correction)
uszkár poodle (Correction)
kártol teasel (Correction)
teazle (Correction)
akárki tom dick and harry (Correction)
kártoló carder (Correction)
kártyák cards (Correction)
kártyás gamester (Correction)
de kár! that's too bed! (Correction)

Correction mode off