[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

82 different matching expressions found:

kísér to accompany (Correction)
to chaperon (Correction)
to chaperone (Correction)
to escort (Correction)
to squire (Correction)
kísérő accompanying (Correction)
attendant (Correction)
escort (Correction)
follower (Correction)
haunting (Correction)
kísért to haunt (Correction)
to tempt (Correction)
kíséret accompaniment (Correction)
attendance (Correction)
cortege (Correction)
entourage (Correction)
escort (Correction)
following (Correction)
retinue (Correction)
sequelae (Correction)
suite (Correction)
tail (Correction)
train (Correction)
kísérők escort (Correction)
kísér tempter (Correction)
elkísér to escort (Correction)
lekísér to see down (Correction)
bekísér to see in (Correction)
kikísér to see off (Correction)
to see out (Correction)
kísérel to venture (Correction)
kísértet apparition (Correction)
bogey (Correction)
boggle (Correction)
bogle (Correction)
bogy (Correction)
ghost (Correction)
phantasm (Correction)
phantom (Correction)
poltergeist (Correction)
specter (Correction)
spectre (Correction)
spirit (Correction)
spook (Correction)
wraith (Correction)
kísérlet attempt (Correction)
essay (Correction)
experiment (Correction)
go (Correction)
proof (Correction)
shot (Correction)
shy (Correction)
tentative (Correction)
test (Correction)
try (Correction)
kísértés temptation (Correction)
kísérget to escort (Correction)
kísérleti farout (Correction)
pilot (Correction)
tentative (Correction)
kísérteti spectral (Correction)
kísértet- spooky (Correction)
hazakísér to take home (Correction)
megkísért to tempt (Correction)
kísérőhajó consort (Correction)
convoy (Correction)
kísérőzene cue music (Correction)
incidental music (Correction)
utaskísérő steward (Correction)
megkísérel to attempt (Correction)
to essay (Correction)
to seek, sought (Correction)
to try (Correction)
to venture (Correction)
kísérletez to experiment with sg (Correction)
to make experiments (Correction)
to test (Correction)
kísér vkit to wait on sy (Correction)
to wait upon sy (Correction)
díszkíséret cortege (Correction)
kocsikísérő driver's mate (Correction)
védőkíséret escort (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

18 different matching expressions found:

kísér accompany (Correction)
kísérő accompanist (Correction)
outrider (Correction)
elkísér go with (Correction)
lekísér see down (Correction)
bekísér see in (Correction)
kikísér see off (Correction)
see out (Correction)
show out (Correction)
kísérlet trial (Correction)
kísérleti experimental (Correction)
hazakísér see home (Correction)
kísérletek attempts (Correction)
megkísérel essay (Correction)
have a stab at (Correction)
make an attempt to (Correction)
venture upon (Correction)
kísérőfilm supporting film (Correction)

Correction mode off