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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

73 different matching expressions found:

kelt to arouse (Correction)
to beget, begat, begotten (Correction)
to beget, begot, begotten (Correction)
to call forth (Correction)
to create (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
keltez to date (Correction)
kikelt to hatch (Correction)
keltető brooder (Correction)
felkelt to arouse (Correction)
to be up (Correction)
to be up and about (Correction)
to call up (Correction)
to kindle (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to rouse (Correction)
énekelt vocal (Correction)
rákkeltő carcinogenic (Correction)
érdekelt concerned (Correction)
interested (Correction)
keltetés incubation (Correction)
napkelte sunrise (Correction)
sunup (Correction)
keltezett dated (Correction)
mérsékelt mild (Correction)
moderate (Correction)
modest (Correction)
philosophical (Correction)
reasonable (Correction)
restrained (Correction)
temperate (Correction)
egybekelt wedded (Correction)
kelta bárd bard (Correction)
halkeltető hatchery (Correction)
keltetőgép incubator (Correction)
érzékeltet to picture (Correction)
napkeltekor at peep of dawn (Correction)
at peep of day (Correction)
mellékelten enclosed herein (Correction)
mérsékelten moderately (Correction)
rezgéskeltő oscillator (Correction)
zavarkeltés perturbation (Correction)
derűt keltő side-splitting (Correction)
érdekeltség stake (Correction)
napfelkelte sunup (Correction)
már felkelt to be up (Correction)
hatást kelt to cut a dash (Correction)
undort kelt to disgust (Correction)
to sicken (Correction)
életre kelt to rally (Correction)
to vivify (Correction)
keltezetlen undated (Correction)
undort keltő abhorrent (Correction)
nem érdekelt disinterested (Correction)
uninterested (Correction)
mérsékelt ár moderate price (Correction)
reasonable price (Correction)
holdfölkelte rise of the moon (Correction)
mosolyt kelt to evoke a smile (Correction)
előre keltez to predate (Correction)
életre keltés animation (Correction)
haragot keltő displeasing (Correction)
látszatkeltés make-believe (Correction)
kelt (tészta) raised (Correction)
megfenekeltet to ground (Correction)
nem mérsékelt unmitigated (Correction)
a hold felkelt the moon is up (Correction)
figyelmet kelt to attract attention (Correction)
benyomást kelt to convey an impression (Correction)
feltűnést kelt to cut a dash (Correction)
to make a stir (Correction)
új életre kelt to resuscitate (Correction)
látszatot kelt to suggest (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

27 different matching expressions found:

kelt give rise to (Correction)
kelta celtic (Correction)
gaelic (Correction)
énekelt sang (Correction)
sung (Correction)
érdekelt interested in (Correction)
cövekelt pegged (Correction)
napkelte sun-up (Correction)
kelteződik date from (Correction)
keltetőház hatchery (Correction)
pánikkeltő panic-monger (Correction)
keltezetlen dateless (Correction)
mérsékelten temperately (Correction)
életre kelt to revive (Correction)
kiadás kelte date of issue (Correction)
mosolyt kelt evoke a smile (Correction)
érdekelt fél interested party (Correction)
nagy a keltje be at premium (Correction)
cinkelt kocka loaded dice (Correction)
napkelte előtt before day (Correction)
feltűnést kelt cut a dash (Correction)
make a stir (Correction)
érdekelt benne have a stake in (Correction)
rosszul keltez misdate (Correction)
előre keltezés predate (Correction)
feltűnéskeltés sensationalism (Correction)
mérsékelt égöv temperate zone (Correction)

Correction mode off