[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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85 different matching expressions found:

rossz bad (Correction)
crappy (Correction)
dipshit (Correction)
dud (Correction)
evil (Correction)
hard (Correction)
ill (Correction)
incorrect (Correction)
low (Correction)
maleficent (Correction)
muddy (Correction)
not good (Correction)
raunchy (Correction)
to be fucked up (Correction)
to be out of kilter (Correction)
vicious (Correction)
wicked (Correction)
wrong (Correction)
grossz gross, gross (Correction)
rosszul badly (Correction)
crookedly (Correction)
evil (Correction)
evilly (Correction)
ill (Correction)
rosszkor at an awkward moment (Correction)
untimely (Correction)
rossz íz foul taste (Correction)
rosszall to censure (Correction)
to discourage (Correction)
to frown (Correction)
rosszmájú acrimonious (Correction)
karosszék armchair (Correction)
easy chair (Correction)
rossz fiú baddie (Correction)
rosszkedv blues (Correction)
fit of blues (Correction)
grouch (Correction)
hip (Correction)
mumps (Correction)
pip (Correction)
rossz ízű distasteful (Correction)
unpalatable (Correction)
unsavory (Correction)
unsavoury (Correction)
rossz vér ill blood (Correction)
rosszalló pejorative (Correction)
reproving (Correction)
rosszallás deprecation (Correction)
disapproval (Correction)
disfavor (Correction)
disfavour (Correction)
reproof (Correction)
rossz hírű disreputable (Correction)
infamous (Correction)
raffish (Correction)
sluttish (Correction)
rosszkedvű dumpy (Correction)
glum (Correction)
grumpy (Correction)
have a fit of blues (Correction)
have the blues (Correction)
have the mumps (Correction)
huffy (Correction)
ill-humored (Correction)
ill-humoured (Correction)
low (Correction)
moody (Correction)
out of humour (Correction)
pouting (Correction)
shirty (Correction)
sulky (Correction)
to be in low spirits (Correction)
to be in poor spirits (Correction)
to be in the blues (Correction)
to be out of spirits (Correction)
to be out of tune (Correction)
to feel blue (Correction)
to feel out of sorts (Correction)
rossz lövő he is no shot (Correction)
rossz írás niggling handwriting (Correction)
pirosszemű red-eyed (Correction)
rossz gebe skate (Correction)
rossz szag stench (Correction)
nem rossz! that's a good one! (Correction)
rosszabbít to worsen (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

rossz shit (Correction)
rosszall animadvert (Correction)
frown (Correction)
nemrossz not bad (Correction)
so bad (Correction)
rossz hír a sad piece of news (Correction)
karosszék arm-chair (Correction)
rosszaság badness (Correction)
rosszmájú censorious (Correction)
rosszalló frowning (Correction)
rosszkedv mulligrups (Correction)
rossz sör swipes (Correction)
rosszkedvű be in low spirits (Correction)
be in poor spirits (Correction)
be out of spirits (Correction)

Correction mode off