[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

80 different matching expressions found:

sör beer (Correction)
hops (Correction)
john barleycorn (Correction)
malt liquor (Correction)
slosh (Correction)
sörte bristle (Correction)
sörét lead shot (Correction)
pellet (Correction)
small shot (Correction)
csörte bout (Correction)
söröző buttery (Correction)
csör capstan (Correction)
crab (Correction)
gin (Correction)
winch (Correction)
windlass (Correction)
csör clanking (Correction)
clanky (Correction)
rattle (Correction)
sörény mane (Correction)
sörbet sorbet (Correction)
csörög to clank (Correction)
to clink (Correction)
to jangle (Correction)
to jingle (Correction)
to rattle (Correction)
csörgés bop (Correction)
buzz (Correction)
clank (Correction)
clink (Correction)
jingle (Correction)
rattle (Correction)
sörfőző brewer (Correction)
bung (Correction)
őzsörét buckshot (Correction)
csörget to chink (Correction)
to clank (Correction)
to clink (Correction)
to jangle (Correction)
to jingle (Correction)
to rattle (Correction)
sörszerű beery (Correction)
sörnyitó bottle opener (Correction)
bottle-opener (Correction)
sörfőzde brewery (Correction)
sörfőzés brewery (Correction)
sörtehaj crewcut (Correction)
csörlődob barrel (Correction)
crab (Correction)
söralátét beermat (Correction)
sörgyáros bung (Correction)
göcsörtös pinny (Correction)
barna sör porter (Correction)
odacsörög to buzz (Correction)
to give sy a tinkle (Correction)
csörömpöl to clatter (Correction)
to jar against (Correction)
to jar on (Correction)
felcsörög to give sy a tinkle (Correction)
zsörtölődő bad-tempered (Correction)
crabby (Correction)
grouchy (Correction)
gruff (Correction)
söröskorsó beer mug (Correction)
schooner (Correction)
csörömpölő clanky (Correction)
darucsör crane crab (Correction)
söröskocsi dray (Correction)
gyömbérsör ginger ale (Correction)
ginger-ale (Correction)
ginger-beer (Correction)
felcsörget to give sy a tinkle (Correction)
megsörétez to pepper (Correction)
világos sör ale (Correction)
csörgősipka cap and bells (Correction)
cap with bells (Correction)
lánccsörgés clank (Correction)
csörömpölés clashing (Correction)
clink (Correction)
kardcsörgés clashing (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

20 different matching expressions found:

sörte brust (Correction)
söröző brasserie (Correction)
csörög clink (Correction)
csörte fencing-bout (Correction)
sörivó froth-blower (Correction)
csörke jape (Correction)
mézsör mead (Correction)
csör rattler (Correction)
rattling (Correction)
ücsörög be sitting about (Correction)
sit idly (Correction)
sörösló dray-horse (Correction)
csörömpöl jar against (Correction)
jar on (Correction)
rossz sör swipes (Correction)
besörözött beery (Correction)
esöre áll. it looks like rain. (Correction)
rain / it looks like - . (Correction)
gyenge sör small beer (Correction)
söröskorsó stein (Correction)

Correction mode off