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90 different matching expressions found:

elv precept
elvon to abstract
to distract
elvet to cast off
to disapprove
to reject
to seed
to sling, slung
to throw away
to throw out
to throw overboard
elvág to cut off
to cut, cut
to pill
to section
to sever
elvár to expect
to require
elver to hide
to lace
to lick
to mill
to pepper
to run through
to thrash
to trounce
to wallop
to welt
elvét to miss
elvont abstract
elvált divorced
elvben in principle
elvből on principle
elvesz to bate
to expropriate
to nick
to take away
to take from
to take, took, taken
elvisz to bring round
to carry
to carry away
to carry off
to take away
to take off
to take out
elvész to go, went, gone
to perish
elvonás abstraction
elvégre after all
elvtárs comrade
elválás divorce
elvárás expectation
elvetél have a miscarriage
to abort
elvétés miss
elvetés rejection
elvágás section
elvisel to abide
to abide, abode
to bear, bore, born
to do with
to endure
elvonul to be closeted
to defile
to file out
elvakít to blind
to dazzle
elvezet to by-pass
to divert
elveszt to cast, cast
elvitat to contest
elválik to differentiate
to disengage
to diverge
to divorce
to get divorced
elvégez to do, did, done
to execute
to fulfil
to fulfill

Searching the extension dictionary:

10 different matching expressions found:

elv disciple
elvű principled
elvág sever
elver thresh
elvisz bear away
carry away
elvárt desirable
elvált divorcee
elvont figurative

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