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34 different matching expressions found:

epe bile
eper strawberry
epe gallstone
epe lingering
eperfa mulberry
epedez to yearn
epedező languorous
epekedő languorous
epekedés languor
epekedve languorously
epekedik to lust
to pine
to sigh for
to yearn
epehólyag gall bladder
eperlánlazac smelt
eped vmi után to thirst after
to thirst for
kő (epe, vese) calculus, calculi
epedez vmi után to yearn after sg
to yearn for sg
epekedik vmi után to languish for sg
to lust after sg
to lust for sg
to yearn after sg
to yearn for sg
eperlánlazac halász smelter

Searching the extension dictionary:

9 different matching expressions found:

eper strawberries
epe bile-stone
epeda spring-mattress
epebajos bilious
epegörcs bilious attack
epekedik pine away
epekedés pining
epe/harag choler
(földi)eper strawberry

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