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61 different matching expressions found:

van it is
there is
to be, was/were, been
to exist
to stand, stood
kivan cooked
to be done
to be knocked up
to be maxed out
ő van he/she is
ez van and that is that
vandál barbarous
naivan fondly
az van it is
hatvan sixty
vannak there are
ki van to be cooked
ön van you are
savan acerbic
rovancs audit
megvan! bingo!
kvantum quantum
jól van to be keeping well
to be well
to keep in
very good
vanília vanilla
mi van? what is it?
what's up?
nyolcvan eighty
vége van he is a gone coon
he's dead and done for
his number is up
to be at an end
to be off
to be over
levantei levantine
úgy van! quite so!
that's right!
szavanna savanna
így van! that's it!
that's right!
jól van! that's the ticket!
lent van to be down
láza van to be in a fever
kész van to be maxed out
úton van to be on the go
to be on the move
to be under way
kinn van to be out
fenn van to be up
fent van to be up
elöl van to lead, led

Searching the extension dictionary:

39 different matching expressions found:

van 'ave
(van) be
is there
there is
kivan be done
ő van he is
she is
vannak 're
are they
ki van be done up
odavan be keen on
Istvan Steve
Tajvan Taiwan
hatvan threescore
jól van all right
be keeping well
ő (van) he has been
van egy i have a
there is a
itt van it is here
úgy van quite so!
tajvani Taiwanese
kvantál to quantify
az (van) 'tis
vége van all / it's - over
it's all over
lent van be down
úton van be on the road
kinn van be out
fenn van be up and about
úgy van! exactly!
van neki have got
neki van he has
fagy van it freeze
késő van it is late

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