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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

15 different matching expressions found:

arat to harvest (Correction)
to reap (Correction)
aratás harvest (Correction)
reaping (Correction)
aratógép reaper (Correction)
sikert arat to bring home the bacon (Correction)
to make a go (Correction)
to make a hit (Correction)
arató munkás reaper (Correction)
részes arató sharecropper (Correction)
tetszést arat to make a hit (Correction)
győzelmet arat to vanquish (Correction)
nagy sikert arat to bring down the house (Correction)
ki mint vet, úgy arat reap as we sow (Correction)
we reap as we sow (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

arató cropper (Correction)
reaper (Correction)
(le)arat reap (Correction)
aratógép reaping-machine (Correction)
sikert arat make a go (Correction)
meet with success (Correction)
kaszál, arat reap (Correction)
győzelmet arat carry the day (Correction)
score a victory (Correction)
erős akarat diadalt arat it's dogged does it (Correction)
elismerést/sikert aratni to score full marks (Correction)
betakarítás, aratás (növ) harvest (növ) (Correction)
ki szelet vet vihart arat sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Correction)
betakarítás, szüret, aratás harvest (Correction)

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