[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

86 different matching expressions found:

emel to add (Correction)
to advance (Correction)
to enhance (Correction)
to erect (Correction)
to heave (Correction)
to heave, hove (Correction)
to hold up (Correction)
to jack up (Correction)
to lift (Correction)
to pry (Correction)
to put on (Correction)
to raise (Correction)
to rear (Correction)
to send up (Correction)
to set up (Correction)
to step up (Correction)
to up (Correction)
emelő erector (Correction)
gin (Correction)
hoist (Correction)
jack (Correction)
lever (Correction)
emelt high (Correction)
raised (Correction)
stilted (Correction)
emelés elevation (Correction)
erection (Correction)
heave (Correction)
hoist (Correction)
lift (Correction)
lifting (Correction)
emelet floor (Correction)
storey (Correction)
emeltyű lever (Correction)
emelkedő ascendant (Correction)
ascendent (Correction)
ascent (Correction)
climber (Correction)
grade (Correction)
gradient (Correction)
orient (Correction)
slope (Correction)
upgrade (Correction)
upward (Correction)
emellett besides (Correction)
in addition (Correction)
moreover (Correction)
emelőbak crab (Correction)
emelvény dais (Correction)
mount (Correction)
platform (Correction)
podium (Correction)
scaffold (Correction)
stage (Correction)
stand (Correction)
emelőerő lever (Correction)
leverage (Correction)
emelőkar lever (Correction)
emelőrúd lever (Correction)
pry (Correction)
purchase (Correction)
tommy (Correction)
emelt ív stilted arch (Correction)
emelődob winch (Correction)
-emeletes -storeyed (Correction)
emelkedés ascent (Correction)
climb (Correction)
climbing (Correction)
elevation (Correction)
heave (Correction)
lift (Correction)
raise (Correction)
rise (Correction)
emelőütés loft (Correction)
emelkedik to advance (Correction)
to ascend (Correction)
to be on the upgrade (Correction)
to climb (Correction)
to go up (Correction)
to heave (Correction)
to heave, hove (Correction)
to heighten (Correction)
to lift (Correction)
to rise, rose, risen (Correction)
to tower (Correction)
szót emel to lift up one's voice (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

emel doff (Correction)
raise (Correction)
shift (Correction)
emelni to raise (Correction)
emeleti upstairs (Correction)
emeletes -storied (Correction)
multi-storey (Correction)
tiered (Correction)
emellett besides this (Correction)
emelőbak shear-legs (Correction)
emelővas tommy-bar (Correction)
emelkedő uphill (Correction)
szót emel lift up one's voice (Correction)
emelkedés rise 1. (Correction)

Correction mode off